
Bioshock infinite elizabeth
Bioshock infinite elizabeth

bioshock infinite elizabeth

To implement this, they introduced “look at markers,” and parameters for levels of interest time of interaction, and distance to the object.īy placing these markers on many objects throughout the world, it gives the AI something to do during downtime, which makes it seem more alive. He posed the question, “What do humans look at and why?” Ultimately, he suggests we look at things of interest to us for any number of reasons, as well as potential dangers. You don’t just want a follower, you “want a character.” To this end, he and his team introduced object interaction to the AI. Natural movement wasn’t enough, though, Abercrombie said. It’s akin to scripted movement, in that there are established destinations, but Elizabeth can fluidly move anywhere along the path, so the player behavior still influences her movement. To implement this, Abercrombie introduced “goals” or target locations, and has Elizabeth follow the path from the player to the turnstile. “Goal Side” behavior, utilizing a soccer term, basically says that the goalie should always be between the player and the goal. This makes her movements seem more natural, but leads to a number of other issues, namely pathing problems. There’s the notion of predictive following, then, which allows her to move towards where she expects you might go. In order to interact with your companion in the follow scenario, you’d invariably have to turn to face her, he said. This might lend itself to a follow mechanic, but that has its own problems. Since protagonist Booker DeWitt is controlled by the player and can move freely around the world, it was imperative that Elizabeth be able to as well. In a semi-open world, there’s no way that a scripted AI would be able to represent a life-like character. In a session entitled “Bringing Bioshock Infinite‘s Elizabeth to Life: An AI Development Postmortem,” Ambercrombie said that he utilized theater techniques, rather than more common video game techniques for Elizabeth’s behavior to make her actions more life-like. It was with that thought in mind that he started work on Elizabeth for BioShock Infinite. His goal is to do it better, however, and Disney has been doing for decades.

bioshock infinite elizabeth

John Abercrombie, lead programmer at Irrational Games, has always wanted to immerse players in his games the way Disney does in its fantasy worlds.

Bioshock infinite elizabeth portable#

Irrational Games Lead Programmer John Abercrombie shed some light on the AI that made Elizabeth more than just Booker’s portable ammo dispenser.

Bioshock infinite elizabeth